8 Billion Angels Preview

what is a documentary '8 billion angeles' all about?

8 Billion Angels is a documentary movie created by Victor Velle. This movie has a very interesting opening.
The story is all about Environmental change, sea fermentation, consumption of aquifers, harmful air contamination, and deforestation - those are only the side effects. The real story is all about overpopulation. No measure of innovation, reusing, sustainable power, willful decrease in utilization, endeavors toward land preservation, and ecological mindfulness can stop the more prominent powers driving us toward a natural disaster. Endeavors in general, as of not long ago, have added up to band-aid estimates that divert us from the way that we add 80 million additional individuals consistently to the earth, who together consume a bigger number of assets quicker than the world can recharge, and produce more waste than the earth can normally retain. Offering a substitute vision for the basic future.

Things that I've learned after watching 8 Billions Angels 

  1. Earth tells us that it's in trouble in a bunch of different ways 
  2. climate change 
  3. mass starvation
  4. ecological disaster
  5. we're seeing the effects all over this planet. 
  6. The oceans are sick.
  7. The air is unbreathable.
  8. Farmland is turning to desert.
  9. We are in the process of killing ourselves. 
  10. We are trashing the planet why are we doing that population growth it's an overwhelming problem.
  11. The earth is just plain ravaged by too many people. By consuming too many resources the numbers have continued to grow by over eight billion. Isn't sustainable it's been ramping up and ramping up we need to turn things around them there is no excuse to bury
  12.  Our heads in the sand actions are the antidote to despair it's not hopeless there are many things we can do we know we can change societies it's a matter of people committing we don't have the time to waste. We still have coral reefs we've still got the first friend in the world now's the time to save them. If we continue like we are they're going to be lost.
  13. We need to figure out how to live in harmony with planet Earth it's for not only my

    Family but it's for all of yours The hope is that people will realize we're

    all in it together!

    Additional Information

    There are currently over 7 billion humans inhabiting the Earth and that value is increasing

    exponentially. It’s estimated that, by the end of the century, the human population will be over 10 billion. And scientists are unsure whether this will be sustainable or not. 

See, the global average of carbon dioxide emissions per person is about 5 metric tons per year. But for Americans, that average is closer to 17 metric tons per year. And remember, this is per person. So, if we have about 3 billion more people living on this planet, and they all adopt a lifestyle similar to an American, the effects of global warming will be worsened even more. It’s projected that the temperature of the Earth will increase by 2 degrees Celsius by the end of the 21st century. And with that increase comes more extreme weather conditions, which would inevitably disrupt food production. So yeah, not good. Now, this can be partly remedied by everyone adopting a vegetarian diet, and reclaiming the land to grow more crops instead of raising livestock. But the crops won’t be able to feed an infinite number of people.

Some scientists predict that it would only be enough to feed 10 billion people.

And more than likely, most people won’t switch to a vegetarian diet.

But what about the amount of available water?

Humans are currently using about 30% of the Earth’s accessible renewable water supply,

with the rest being used for agriculture. And the water available to some people in countries like Ethiopia, Cambodia, and Haiti. Isn’t even clean enough to drink?

So, the amount reaching humans would have to increase with an increasing population.

 The quality of those people’s lives would be much different than they are now.

 Don’t forget to keep on thinking!


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