Xenon Hexafluoride And Its Hybridization According To VESPER Theory

In this blog passage, we'll examine Xenon hexafluoride and its hybridization as per VESPER Hypothesis. You'll know each and everything connected with Xenon hexafluoride.

In any case, before going to that, we should initially talk about certain properties of Xenon hexafluoride.

1. Xenon hexafluoride is likewise addressed as 'XeF6'

2. XeF6 is a noble gas compound. It is one of the three paired fluorides of Xenon the other two being XeF2 and XeF4.

3. Its thickness is 3.56gcm-3.

4. Its softening point is 49.25C (120.65 Fahrenheit; 322.40K).

5. Its limit is 75.6 centigrade (168.1 F; 348.8K).

6. It is a solvent in water.

7. Xenon is an interesting, drab and unscented, dull, and synthetically uncreative gas.

8. Xenon is followed by gas which makes up under 1% of the earth's environment.

9. It is found as a part of gases tracked down in not many mineral springs.

10. XeF6 is utilized as an oxidizing specialist.

11. XeF6 responds with a little amount of water to shape XeOF4.

12. It is an extremely uncreative gas.

13. It is utilized in specific concentrated light sources.

14. XeF6 is the most grounded fluorinating specialist of the series of the noble gas.

15. It is dismal and strong that promptly sublimes to extreme yellow fumes.

16. XeF6 responds with silicone dioxide to shape a hazardous compound known as Xenon trioxide. (XeO3 is an unsteady compound that is a solid oxidizing specialist and hazardously dangerous. Therefore it can't be put away in a quartz or silica vessel).

17. When XeF6 goes through halfway hydrolyses it will give oxyfluorides of xenon that is oxy tetrafluoride and xenon dioxide difluoride.

18. XeF6 is a polar compound and the extremity of XeF6 is positive.

19. The oxidation province of Xenon hexafluoride is Xe [{F}-{6}] is +6.

20. XeF6 isn't a redox response.

21. XeF6 ought to be non-polar because its sub-atomic calculation is octahedral.

22. XeF6 has limited dipole second.

23. XeF6 exists in a thermally energized electronic isomer.

24. All mixtures of xenon are energic and stable at ordinary temperatures.

25. XeF6 shows no reverberation structure.

Name of Compound

Xenon hexafluoride (XeF6)





Bond Angle

90◦ and 72◦


Distorted octahedral



Square Planar


Electron Pair



Lone Pair



Bond Pair





Most importantly we'll decide kind of hybridization. This step is especially significant because deciding the hybridization of any compound is significant in figuring out the development of the atomic math of any compound.

XeF6 essentially comprises one xenon and 6 fluorine iota. To figure out what sort of math XeF6 has we will initially decide on the electronic setup of both partaking molecules.

Electronic Configuration:

[Xe] 54= 1s2 ,2s2, 2p6,3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d10,4p6,5s2,4d10,5px25py25pz2

Presently how about we do the electronic design of Xenon in energized state by keeping in mind the quantity of 6 fluorine molecules.

Excited State arrangement: 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p6,4s2,3d10,4p6,4d10,5s2,5px1,5py1,5pz1,5dx1,5dx-y1,5dz1

Fluorine 9= 1s2,2s2, 2px2, 2py2,2pz1

The hybridization around Xe-atom alongside 6 Fluorine molecules is Sp3d3. All the 6 fluorine atoms will involve all the 6 emptied orbital of Xe-molecule



After hybridization XeF6 atomic calculation will be misshaped octahedral or square bipyramidal.

Fluorine molecule will be set in vertices of an octahedron.

The solitary pair will move in space to keep away from or lessen the aversion.

During the arrangement of XeF6, Xenon has 8 electrons in its valance shell and it will shape four bonds with fluorine atoms.

Toward the end, the particle will have one lone pair and 6 bonds pair.

The absolute no. of the electron pair will be 7.

  • The geometry of XeF6 can also be called distorted pentagonal bipyramidal.

  • When the fluorides of xenon have formed the electrons in the valence shell of xenon get unpaired and are promoted to vacated 5d orbitals. Due to Sp3d3 hybridization, the electrons in 5P orbitals will shift themselves to an additional D orbital in to give space to 6 fluorine atoms. The fluorine atom will rearrange itself to form an octahedral structure The lone pair will move in space to reduce repulsion.
  • Additional Q/A from the above article:

    1. Why XeF6 should be non-polar?

                Xef6 should be non-polar because after seeing its molecular geometry it is clear that its molecular geometry is octahedral which has 6 faces and can not occur in perfect symmetry. The other reason is that an octahedral geometry has an angle of 180 degrees which shows that the molecule is non-polar.

    2. What is the exact dipole moment of XeF6?


                   The exact dipole moment of XeF6 is occur to have zero in a certain vibrational state. If we took a look at the molecule of XeF6 from any arbitrary point it shows that its dipole is zero.

    3. What is a vibrational state of a molecule?


       The vibrational state of a molecule can be defined as the energy of a molecule will be minimum when there is an atomic separation between molecules which directly affects the energy of a molecule. It gives a look like a harmonic oscillator which shows that whenever a molecule will have lower energy it will vibrate, which is also called the vibrational state of a molecule.

    4. Why XeF6 is a redox reaction?


            If we do the hydrolysis of XeF6, then after its reaction with water it'll produce XeOf4.

    XeF6 + H2O            XeOF4 + 2HF

    Which shows that XeF6 is a redox reaction.

    5. Why XeF6 shows no resonance structure?


            In XeF6 all the atoms of Xe and Fluorine atoms are fully bonded with a single bond due to which there is no movement of electrons. Therefore, It has no resonance structure.

    This was for today guys.

    Also read 

    Xenon difluoride(XeF2)

    Xenon Tetrafluoride(XeF4)

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